Our Virtual Skin Consultations are carried out by our Skin Experts at Skin Angel. A Skin Consultation is essential to ascertain exactly what your skin personally requires, to achieve your perfect collection of skincare products and advice on at home skin maintenance.
Please allow 30 minutes for your one-on-one advisory session. Utilising technology our Virtual Skin Consultations are performed via by phone or video call, depending on your preference. You will be led through an in-depth consultation process by your skin therapist whereby you may discuss your historical and primary skin concerns, current regime and your desired results.
After your appointment, you will receive a curated Skincare Prescription targeting your unique skin concerns and an at Home Treatment Regime. Including step by step instructions for your DIY facials bringing out your inner facialist.
To book your appointment you can email the clinic directly at to begin your SKIN ANGEL skin journey. Please note in your email whether you would prefer a phone or video call, and we will contact you to arrange an appointment day and time. Prior to your appointment your Skin Therapist will advise you of any links where applicable. Please note your consultation fee is redeemable off your curated skincare prescription and posted out to you on the same day via express post (additional charge), or if you prefer your welcome to pick up in clinic.
We are so looking forward to seeing you virtually and taking your skin in the right direction.